Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Idris Khan Influence

These are a collection of images I have developed through photoshop. My original artist model for these were Idris Khan, and through experimenting with his techniques I adjusted it to work better with my subject matter. The photographs labelled with numbers are the next to go on my second panel. (still deciding) 

Start of Panel Two

From my most recent photoshoot. It was based around the techniques of Bernd and Hilla Becher, where they take photos of every single angle of an object. I used this technique with my subject matter/model and here are the result.

Full Body

Close up / Face photography

Complete Panel One

Panel one

Refining Ideas

I've decided to adjust my original concept of depression to something more relevant to society. I'd like to expand my concept my work on the typical teenage male who is a "rebel without a cause". So many of the male teenage population are rolling through there younger years: without purpose, without ambition and feel like they don't connect to society. I'd like to reference to James Dean's movie Rebel Without a Cause at the bottom of panel one to help connect to this concept.

Hans Eijkelboom Influence

I wanted to include his idea's of how he used himself to investigate the influence of appearance and clothing on the relationship between the individual and identity. He gradually changed into the relationship between identity and world view as he looked for a method to visualize how repeated daily observation and experiences form our world. To include his techniques and ideas I approached 8 other males to be present on my photography board. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Motion Blur Developed

After finishing with the other motion blur images, I continued this editing onto my next images where I introduced colour. I decided to progress into long shot/medium shot for these images to capture how distant the male feels from the environment around him.

Motion Blur Photography

With these images I wanted to have elements of motion blur whilst keeping the main subject matter in focus. For these particular images I had no certain artist model influence as I used photoshop to create the blur effect.

At this point I wanted to experiment with the framing of images that I started at the top of panel one. To keep this idea going, I introduced a black background for the second half of my my first panel. The result worked quite well, and it created a systematic flow from the first images.

Next 3 images

Final images that will be present on the top of panel one.

Eaweard Muybridge Influence

Eadweard Muybridge
Eaweard Muybridge is known for his pioneering work on animal locomotion in 1877 and 1878, which used multiple cameras to capture motion in stop-action photographs, and his zoopraxiscope, a device for projecting motion pictures the pre-dated the flexible perforated film strip used in cinematography. 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eadweard  Muybridge

First Attempt
This was my first attempt at recreating images using Muybridge's techniques. It was a rough copy and I wasn't too sure how to adjust each frame to be the same size on the same level. I need to research how to edit these images on photo-shop, to get the final product that I want.

Second Attempt
This was my next attempt at editing these images. I researched information on 'youtube' to get each frame equal, which worked relatively well. I also researched information with how to edit photos to look old/dated. Unfortunately this made the images less contrasted and rather plain. I'll go research different techniques to age the photos. 

Final Image
This is the final copy that i'll be using on my first panel. I've adjusted the contrast levels, yet used editing effects to keep the aged look. I increased the frame of the image to view the model's body fully.

Start of panel one

These are the first four images appearing on my 1st panel. I've decided to do this by the subject matter of a male model (Scott Cameron, who is wonderfully photogenic), a pair of sunglasses and frame work present in the background.

Ralph Gibson influence

I don't think that these images offer enough depth for the start of panel one. I might introduce them later in pane one. My next step is to research in depth motion blur photography techniques, including artist models Eaweard Muybridge and Eitenne-Jules Marey.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Refine thinking

I'm going to techniques of Ralph Gibson for the first images of panel one. I'd like to introduce a male model and experiment with this in early morning light using the sunglasses along with the model.

As the panel progresses I'd like to include full body photography using Scott Cameron as my model. I'd like to capture these images outside the courtyard near the home economics room at my school where the area is surrounded by framework.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Still life Testing

I like the lighting effects used in these images and the shadows created from the light hitting the sunglasses. In these pictures I did not adjust the white balance correctly which is a result of the images having a sepia tone. I would need to change this for further photo-shoots. These pictures have not yet been edited, but I am looking to experiment with photoshop.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


 Depression has been something that has affected my family immensely over the past 2 years. I would like to develop this 'idea' through my photography as it is important to me. I have researched artist models Kenneth Josephson, Ernst Haas and Ralph Gibson whose techniques I'd like to explore in the beginning of panel one. These pictorial elements include blurred motion, lighting and shadowing. For subject matter I'd like to experiment with a pair of sunglasses which links to how people can only see darkness. Possibly comparing this to rose tinted glasses.

Ernst Haas
Ralph Gibson

Kenneth Josephson